Wednesday, April 13, 2011

oogie boogie self sabotage monster on the loose! no worries, it's just me.

I had my first session of Yoga with the Tranquillo owner last night. I was told he was intense..and he really was! I have never been so challenged in my life, and once again, I'm still in disbelief that I can even do this. At moments I could feel streams of sweat pouring down like rivers in my eyes and face and down my body and I think.. this is what it feels like to be alive. To someone who has never felt this it is a strange and facinating sensation. Yeah it was hard, but it didn't hurt, it just challenged me. I had to stand back a few times and let it wash over me..but I DID IT..and again..I thank the universe for this new found health and power, and pray that i can continue down this path. I feel so fortunate.

This weekend I will be in Lamesa Tx for my first poetry festival. I don't know how to behave, and I don't even know if I have a proper ride and if I will get there on time! Oh so disjointed, and self sabotaging! How old and unrefined of me. Scared. I'm scared to be around all these new people. I'm scared to be judged and at the same time I want to be anonymous.It's all so dramatic. It's all so real. What the hell am I? An a actual poet?? I guess so. Damn. Here she goes, now how am I going to screw this one up?

The store is slow. It has been now going on for two weeks. Maybe it will be good to get away. Maybe. I really have to do this. God, I'm scared.

1 comment:

  1. My dearest Opalina, you do not have to act. Just be your wonderful open self and they won't be able to help themselves from loving you as I do, as we all do. You'll be great.
