Thursday, April 28, 2011

aye aye aye

crazy days. it's just a little store. what if they don't like it. what if it is too mom and pop, not slick enough. my handmade signs y todo. sometimes i get to feeling very small. i was on my knees polishing the floor at 9am this morning. I was dusting the shelves and moving things around. i lost my table that i needed and the AC is still out. Nothing every comes easy. I haven't eaten breakfast or lunch, but on the up side I can see my arms slimming down from all the downward dog. I needed someone to rescue my today, but he doesn't get off of work till 3:30. I'm scared. I'm nervous. I'm a mess. I'm excited. I'm hoping someone will be impressed. I'm hoping we sell all these books we bought. i'm hoping everyone is nice and that the night is over soon so I can stand in my living room and do downward dog and the corpse pose till I fall asleep. These things.. wreck my ocd and my anxiety disorder. the medication keeps me from totally wigging out, but it's still there. its still there.. and where would it go? its always been there. today we just have to get thru each hour and make it to the end of the night. deep breath. here we go.

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